3 Mistakes To Avoid After Getting Into A Car Accident

Here are three mistakes to avoid after being involved in a car accident. You might have been going home from work or going to work, or maybe you work as Uber or Lyft and you’re at work, and then all of a sudden, you get rear-ended and you would have never guessed it was going to happen to you. So, I want to cover some basic things for you to know at the beginning of the case so you can get full compensation for your accident.

Number 1, wait for the police to arrive and give them a recorded statement. A lot of car accident victims exchange information and they go their separate ways not wanting to wait for the police. It’s a huge mistake. You definitely want something on the record. And we are able to file an MV104, which is a self-filled-out police report, but it doesn’t hold as much credence.

Number 2, a few days after the accident, you’re going to start getting phone calls from insurance companies asking for a recorded statement. Which insurance company is calling you? Is it your own? Is it the car that hit you? Were there multiple cars involved? You want to be very careful with giving a recorded statement. Instead, you should tell the insurance company, “I’m looking for an attorney. I’ll let you know,” you’ll speak with him later.

And the third one is not to post to anything on social media. Insurance companies look through people’s social media because it’s public information. And they’ll use anything against you that you post in relation to the accident. For example, we have clients who claimed they had bilateral shoulder problems, bilateral knee problems, and they would post up videos of themselves on Facebook working out and bench-pressing, maxing out as much as they can. It hurts the value of their case. We advise people don’t do it. Just refrain from being on social media for a while…

If you found this article helpful, or you’ve recently been involved in an accident, click the link here, or call the office, speak to me. I’ll personally help you with your case. I’ll let you know what’s going on.

What To Do If You Get Into In An Accident In New York City

If you’re reading this right now, it means 1 of 2 things. Either you or someone very close to you has been involved in an accident in New York City. Now, I know how you might be feeling, stressed, overwhelmed, and worried. There’s a lot that’s about to happen. You might be thinking, “How could this have happened to me? What happens if my loved one can’t work? What if I can’t work? Who’s going to pay the hospital bills?” because you know hospital bills are very expensive.

As an attorney, I’m about to give you some tips and tricks on what you should do after an accident. But before we get there, I just want you to know, this isn’t your fault. Accidents happen all the time, and sometimes there’s just no way to prevent them. Especially living in a big place like New York City. I mean, hey, it’s even happened to me. Remember, people get into car accidents all the time. No one’s perfect…

Today, I’m going to share something with you, some good news and some bad news. I’ll start off with the bad news. The bad news is, as soon as you get into an accident, the insurance company is going to do everything they can to not get you compensated. We see it all the time. An accident happens, people get injured, and the insurance company assembles a team right off the bat.

Now, let me give you the good news. The good news is you have nothing to worry about if you’re working with an attorney. An attorney’s office for a personal injury case will charge nothing upfront. They won’t try to screw you over, and you’ll make some money out of this mess.

So, you might be wondering, “What’s the catch?” Well, let me give you an example of what you’re about to go through. In short, what happens is a law office opens up a no-fault claim, opens up a bodily injury claim, collects all of your medical records, submits a demand packet, and if we’re not able to settle, we sue the parties at fault.

Now, if you think that you’re at fault, don’t worry about that. I recommend you speak to an attorney so he makes a conclusive decision of who is really at fault. Because in New York, we have a comparative negligence state, which means we could split fault amongst parties and still have a claim against the other parties.

In a broad sense, that’s really how it works. You really have nothing to worry about if you are communicating with an attorney. A good attorney will take care of everything step by step. Don’t forget, we’re on your side. It’s us against them. So anyway, whether you decide to work with me or a different lawyer, that’s okay. We just wanted to get this message out there for somebody who needs to hear it. Want to learn more? Download our free guide here.

Auto Accidents: What To Do When the Insurance Agent Calls | Personal Injury Attorneys NYC 10022

Although we don’t pray to experience them, auto accidents do happen. This is why we insure our houses, cars, and even our health. When auto accidents occur, your insurance company is meant to cater to some of the costs of repairs, replacements and even hospital and medical bills. This is your no-fault insurance. No-fault insurance means that your own automobile insurer will pay some or all of your medical bills and lost earnings if you get into a car accident, regardless of who was at fault for the auto accident.

Auto insurance companies advertise this step to be simple and straightforward. However, things play out differently in the heat of the moment.

One of the first things you want to do after an auto accident is to call the police and give a full and accurate statement of what occurred. Request an ambulance for immediate medical attention. You may be suffering from internal injuries yet to be discovered or some medical conditions that are unknown to you.

A few days later, an Insurance Agent will most likely contact you asking for a recorded statement about the accident. You might feel like you want to discuss your accident with someone, and here they are, ready to hear you out, but BEWARE.

It is crucial that at this point you refuse to give a recorded statement. Otherwise, your conversations will be recorded and some of your words may be taken out of context and used against you. As a result, you may not be able to make claims to the expenses and monetary compensation your insurance company should cover.

Don’t say more than what is necessary

When you’re on phone with an agent from the insurance company, only tell them what you saw, where it happened, and the time it happened. Don’t make guesses. Don’t give more information than is necessary. If you’re not sure of what to do, refuse to give a recorded statement and talk to a lawyer immediately.

Don’t agree to a quick settlement.

It is very likely that the auto-insurance company offers you a cash settlement. These settlements are usually end up being lowball offers. Don’t be in a hurry to accept this offer.  You need expert legal services from an attorney to be able to get reasonable settlements from the Insurance Company after an auto accident.

Call the Law Offices Of Solomon Aminov PC for a Free Consultation on your case, 24/7

Solomon Aminov Esq.
Law Offices Of Solomon Aminov PC
110 E 59th Street, Suite 3200 
New York, NY 10022
Tel: 212-725-2969
Tel: 212-SALAWNY
Fax: 212-656-1186